Latest News & Stories


November 18, 2020

New $10-million pandemic staffing support benefit to support staffing in disability services, child care and child welfare

Excerpt: "The Manitoba government will provide $10 million for a new Pandemic Staffing Support Benefit to help address urgent staffing needs in the disability services, child-care and child welfare sectors, Families Minister Heather Stefanson announced today, while also highlighting a number of other initiatives in place for agencies that provide services to adults with disabilities."
November 16, 2020

Investment of $14-million to help early learning, child-care sector with increased COVID-19 costs

Excerpt: "Funding from the Safe Restart Agreement will be provided through a monthly grant to licensed early learning and child-care facilities that meet the following terms and conditions: using the funding to offset the cost associated with the impact of COVID-19; ensuring hours of operation meet the needs of parents to support workforce participation; ensuring licensed spaces are made available based on demand; and updating space availability monthly on the department’s Parent Portal."
Chelsi Major
November 11, 2020

Chelsi Major

Chelsi Major: Master of Education in Developmental Psychology & Education (DPE), Class of 2018.
Yi Huang
November 11, 2020

Yi Huang

Yi Huang: Master of Education in Developmental Psychology & Education (DPE), Class of 2019.
Mariam Ayoub
November 8, 2020

Mariam Ayoub

Mariam Ayoub: Master of Arts in Clinical and Counselling Psychology (CCP), Class of 2017.
Heather Prime
November 6, 2020

Heather Prime

Heather Prime: Doctor of Philosophy in School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP), Class of 2017.
November 5, 2020

2020 Budget - Ontario's Action Plan: Protect, Support, Recover

Excerpt: "The government is making substantial investments of $13 billion in capital grants over 10 years to build new schools and renew existing schools across Ontario, to ensure that students have safe and modern education environments in which to learn and thrive. COVID-19 has underscored the importance of this commitment."
November 4, 2020

The Government of Canada and the Government of New Brunswick announce additional support for quality early learning and child care across the province

Excerpt: "The agreement allocates nearly $10 million in 2020–21 for early learning and child care investments in New Brunswick. Specifically, New Brunswick will continue to collaborate with the childcare sector and maintain the New Brunswick Early Learning Centres designation to ensure all families and children in the province have access to high-quality, affordable child care in the official language of their choice by 2030."
Nicole Loncar
November 1, 2020

Nicole Loncar

MA in School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP) student, Nicole Loncar.
Expected year of graduation: 2021.