Explore Upcoming OISE Events


Ready to step-away for a moment, from work and routines? Perhaps the body and mind are longing for some balance and relief from the busy-ness and burn-out of teaching and learning. Refresh and renew yourself, with other students on Wellness Wednesdays.
OISE Building, Room 12-115
exterior of a brick building with an entrance door and a sign
Join us at the Graduate Students' Union (GSU) Pub for a fun night of trivia/games and meeting other OISE students.
Meet outside the OISE Library at 4:00 pm
OISE Excellence Awards
Celebrate our outstanding faculty and staff at the 2025 OISE Excellence Awards on April 2. RSVP today.
OISE Library
Dandelion seeds blowing
This session will explore how administrative leaders in school boards can help support and lead Climate Change Education.
Dr. Caroline Cole Power endowed scholarship
Featuring OISE alum Dr. Caroline Power, this event aims to help alumni identify the key skills, strategies, and mindsets needed to excel in early professional roles and ensure future success.
MaRS Discovery District