2025 R.W.B. Jackson Lecture

From teaching to teaching teachers to teaching teacher educators: A journey toward quality education for all

Professor A. Lin Goodwin
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OISE Library
252 Bloor Street West
Toronto ON M5S 1V6

Please join us for OISE’s annual R.W.B. Jackson Lecture and Reception on April 16.

This year, we are thrilled to welcome Professor A. Lin Goodwin (葛文林), the Thomas More Brennan Endowed Professor of Education at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Boston College.

With a distinguished career that includes serving as Dean at the University of Hong Kong and Vice Dean at Teachers College, Columbia University, Dr. Goodwin is an internationally renowned scholar in the field of teacher education.

Professor Goodwin’s research examines teacher/teacher educator beliefs, identities and development; equitable education and powerful teaching for immigrant and minoritized youth; comparative analyses of international teacher education practice and policy; and the experiences of Asian/Asian Americans in US schools.

She has been recognized for exemplary research by AERA’s Committee on Scholars of Color, and was the recipient of Division K’s 2023 Legacy Award for her significant and exemplary contributions to the field of teaching and teacher education.

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