Participate Snapshot

Register to Attend

Registration is now open. To register, please fill out the registration form. 

Important Registration Deadlines: 

  • February 15th, 2024: Deadline for conference registration for students participating in the program (accepted submissions)
  • March 12th, 2024: Deadline for conference registration for those not presenting in the program

Upcoming Workshops

Part Two: Delivering a Successful Conference Presentation 
February 26th at 12pm EST, 2024 – Virtual Event Only 

For the second iteration of our series, OISE GSRC co-chairs will provide a one-hour, lunchtime workshop on how to deliver a successful academic conference presentation. The workshop will cover the basics of presenting at an academic conference, including how to structure your presentation, what to cover, and how to prepare for the question and answer period. It is intended to not only be a primer for this year’s GSRC, but to also support OISE students submitting to and presenting at academic conferences more broadly. To register, please use the following link