OISE GSA Now Offering Free Menstrual and Lifestyle Products!

The OISE GSA is happy to announce that we are now offering free menstrual and lifestyle products.
Free pads and tampons are available in the women's washrooms from floors 1 - 12 in the OISE building. If these are not accessible to you, we also have pads and tampons on the wall adjacent to our office, room 8-105. Also available on that wall are free safe sex products.

Free products offered on the wall adjacent to our office, OISE Room 8-105.
If any of our products are running low please let our VP Academic know at academic.gsa@utoronto.ca. We also are accepting any suggestions of products you would like to see available in washrooms and on our wall.
We would like to thank the Sexual Education Centre (SEC) which provided these products to us and allowed us to continue this initiative.
For more information about SEC please visit their website.