Conference Presentations
Xu, Z., Woodruff, E., & Chen, B. (2013). Efficacy of Reward Allotment on Children’s Motivation and Learning. Paper presented at the 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning (pp. 748-755). Porto, Portugal: ECGBL.
Lancia, G. E. (2013). Anxiety, Rumination and Worry in the Primary-Junior years (K-3). Paper presented at the Mapping New Knowledge Conference at Brock University St. Catharines, ON.
Lancia, G. E. (2012). Colouring outside the lines: An abstract view of learning. Paper presented at the Aldridge Conference at Memorial University St. Johns, NL.
Xu, Z., & Woodruff, E. (2014). An Empirical Study Examining Game Reward Structure in a Cross-cultural Context. Poster presented at the 2nd Learning Analytics Summer Institutes (LASI2014) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, USA.
Xu, Z., Woodruff, E., & Chen, B. (2014). Children’s Motivation in Digital Game-play: the Effects of Task-reward Structure and the Role of Self-Efficacy. Paper presented at the International Conference on Motivation 2014 (jointly organized by EARLI SIG 8 and the University of Helsinki), Helsinki, Finland.
Xu, Z. (2014). Assessing ELL’s Reading, Writing and Mathematics Achievement as a Function of Three Factors: Length of Residence, ESL/ELD Program Support and Home Language. Paper presented at the 25th Edward F. Kelly Evaluation Conference (2014), Toronto, Canada.
Jang, E. E., & Wagner, M., & Xu, Z. (2014). Ecological Assessment Frameworks for Learning in CBLEs. In J. Harley (Chair), Innovative Practices for Assessment in Computer Based Learning Environments. Symposium conducted at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA.
Lancia, G. E. (2014, April). Anxiety-related disorders in the primary-junior grades (K-3): Teacher perceptions and knowledge. Paper presented at Congress 2014 for the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) at Brock University St. Catharines, ON.
Lancia, G.E. & Ferrari, Michel. (2015, June). Definitions of Wisdom in Expert and Novice Teachers. Roundtable presented at Congress 2015 for the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Lancia, G.E. & Ferrari, Michel. (2015, June). Are teachers wise?: An examination of the three-dimensional wisdom scale (3DWS) and its relation to professional practice. Poster presented at the 76th Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Convention in Ottawa, ON.
Lancia, G.E. & Ferrari, Michel. (2015, August). Wisdom, Life Satisfaction, and Well Being Among Teachers and Non-teachers. Paper presented at the 123rd American Psychological Association (APA) Convention in Toronto, ON.
Makos, A., & Xu, Z. (2015). The Impact to Notification System on Student Behavior in a Collaborative Online Learning Environment. Poster presented by the American Educational Research Association (AERA2015), Chicago, Illinois.
Xu, Z., & Woodruff, E. (2015). A Cross-cultural Comparison of the Role of Children’s Self-concept in Playing a Sifteo Game. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA 2015), Toronto, Canada.
Xu, Z., & Jang, E. E. (2015). Does the Math Self-Efficacy Mediate the Effects of Extracurricular Technology-related Activities on Large-scale Provincial Mathematic Test Achievement? Paper presented by the American Educational Research Association (AERA2015), Chicago, Illinois.
Xu, Z., & Makos, A. (2015). Investigating the Impact of a Notification System on Student Behaviours in a Discourse-Intensive Online Course. Poster presented by the 5th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK2015), Poughkeepsie, NY.
Buono, S.C., Xu, Z., Moreno, M., Schnabel, R., Woodruff, E. & Birch, H. (June, 2016). A new approach to examine task difficulty on math anxiety in a digital space. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association 76th Annual Convention, Victoria.
Lancia, G. E. & Woodruff, E. (2016, June). Are you OK?: Life satisfaction and general well-being amongst graduate psychology students in the APHD department at OISE. Paper presented at the 77th Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Convention in Victoria, B.C.
Moreno, M. & Tremblay-Beaton, K. (November, 2016). #KBselfie: Collaborative Social Tool for 21st Century Music Learning. Presention at Resonate 2016: Conference of the Ontario Music Educators Association, Niagara Falls.
Schnabel, R. & Woodruff, E. (2016, March), Measure of Emotion Levels during optimal performance. Presented at the OISE, University of Toronto, Graduate Student Research Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
Woodruff, E., Xu, Z., Buono, S., Moreno, M., & Schnabel, R. (2016). A New Approach to Examine the Impact of Task Difficulty on Math Anxiety in a Digital Space. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association, Victoria, Canada.
Buono, S.C., Jang, E.E. & Woodruff, E. (2017) A latent profile analysis of 6-8 year olds reasoning abilities during a narrative task. Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society Biennial Meeting.
Buono, S.C., Waring, T. & Woodruff, E. (2017) The effect of emotions on word decoding. Poster presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 24th annual meeting.
Buono, S.C. & Woodruff, E. (2017) How Social Cognitive Understanding Relates to Task Frustration and Impairs Performance on a Narrative Task. Poster presented to the American Educational Research Association Annual meeting.
Buono, S.C. & Woodruff, E. (2016) Emotionality & Narrative Competence in Emerging Readers. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association 76th Annual Convention.
Buono, S.C., Moreno, M., Schnabel, R., Xu, Z. & Woodruff, E. (2016) A New Approach to Examine the Impact of Task Difficulty on Math Anxiety in a Digital Space. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association 76th Annual Convention.
Moreno, M., & Woodruff, E. (May, 2017). Screens, cameras, glasses and gadgets: A new model for knowledge, learning and ‘self’ in the age of wearable and virtual learning. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge & Society, Toronto.
Moreno, M. (April, 2017). Exploring the use of Concurrent Meta-Evaluation in Music Program Evaluation: Defining Rationale, Methods and Tools. Paper presented at the 17th Annual OISE Dean’s Graduate Student Research Conference, Toronto.
Sadownik, S., Xu. Z., & Munteanu, C. (2017). Ethical Consideration Specific to Human Computer Interaction Research and the University of Toronto Ethics Application Process. Poster presented at Knowledge Media Design Institute, University of Toronto.
Schnabel, R. (2017, March), Psychophysiological self-awareness and stress recovery in experienced mindfulness meditators and matched controls. Presented at the OISE, University of Toronto Graduate Student Research Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
Schnabel, R. (2017, May), Effects of mindfulness and self-awareness in rest and Stress:Biofeedback and Neurofeedback measures and training. Poster session presented at the World Summit on Positive Psychology, Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Sciences, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Schnabel, R. (2017, September), Stress Recovery and Psychophysiological Self- Awareness and mindfulness. Presented at the International Society of Neurofeedback and Reseaarch, Nantucket, CT.
Schnabel, R & Volpe, R. . (2017, October), Brain Rest and mTBI. Poster session presented at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Qi, H., Chen, S., Yao, Y., Roberts, K.P., Tsang, K.T. & Chen, L. (2017, January). A cross-cultural comparison of Chinese and Canadian university students’ self-construal and its sources of influence. Poster session presented at the 2017 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention— Advances in Cultural Psychology Preconference, San Antonio, Texas.
Woodruff, E. Xu, Z., Buono, S.C., Schnabel, R. & Moreno, M. (2017) Affective Confusion: A gateway to both academic performance and learning anxiety. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education.
Xu, Z., & Woodruff, E. (2017). Emotionality in Writing: Evidence from an Automatic Facial Expression Monitoring System. Poster presented at Canadian Society for the Study of Education (2017), Toronto, Ontario.
Xu, Z., & Woodruff, E. (2017). A Process-orientated Approach to Examine Learner’s Emotions in Learning Microbiology in a Narrative Game. Poster presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA2017). St. Antonio, Taxis.
Xu, Z., & Woodruff, E. (2017). Person-centered Approach to Explore Learner’s Emotionality in Learning within a 3D Narrative Game. Paper presented at the 7th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK2017), Vancouver, BC.
Zhang, H.H., Qi, H., Yao, Y., Roberts, K.P., & Chen, L. (2017, January). Exploring the developmental trend in Chinese participants’ self-construal: Does individual’s self-construal change throughout the lifespan? Poster session presented at the 2017 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention—Advances in Cultural Psychology Preconference, San Antonio, Texas.
Buono, S.C., & Woodruff, E. (2018) Emotions in academics: The differential effect of global and item-level processing in emerging literacy. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology.
Buono, S.C. & Jang (2018). The effect of linguistics in English Language Learners’ mathematics assessment: A differential item functioning analysis. Paper presented at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.
Buono, S.C., Woodruff, E. & Kocaqi, E. (2018). The role of understanding characters’ minds in a narrative task: Effects on affect and performance. Poster presented at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.
Buono, S.C. & Woodruff, E. (2018) An Analysis of Real-Time Emotions in Emerging Readers During Word Decoding. Poster presented at the 2018 American Psychological Association’s Technology, Mind & Society conference.
Buono, S., Xu, Z., Woodruff, E. (2018). A real-time Facial Action Coding System (FACS) analysis of the stability of confusion as a learning emotion. Technology, Mind & Society Hosted by the American Psychological Association (APA). Washington, DC.
Moreno, M., Buono, S.C., Xu, Z., Schnabel, R. & Woodruff, E. (2018) A New Approach Examining Math Anxiety: Task Difficulty and Facial Feedback. Paper presented at round table discussion at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.
Moreno, M., & Woodruff, E. (2018). Music for Understanding: A Study into the Emotions of Music During a Reading Comprehension Task. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/10th triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Montreal.
Moreno, M., Schnabel, R., Lancia, G., & Woodruff, E. (June, 2018). Bridging the Divide between the Pen and Controller: Exploring Similarities and Signs of Engagement Between Writing and Video Gaming. Presentation to be delivered at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology 2018, Montreal.
Moreno, M., Schnabel, R., Lancia, G., & Woodruff, E. (June, 2018). A New Technique for Comparative Case Study Analysis using Psychophysiological Feedback, Emotion Data and Reflection to Understand the Psychological State of Engagement in Task-Based Learning. Poster to be presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology 2018, Montreal.
Woodruff, E., Buono, S., Schnabel, R. Moreno, M., & Xu, Z. (2018). Optimizing Affective Confusion. Paper presented at Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE). Honolulu, Hawaii.
Xu, Z., Woodruff, E. (2018). Automated Decoding Facial Expressions Reveal Persistency in Learner’s Emotion-Antecedent Appraisal during Complex Learning with a 3D Video Game. Technology, Mind & Society Hosted by the American Psychological Association (APA). Washington, DC.
Xu, Z., & Woodruff, E. (2018). Automated Real-time Detection of Emotions in Writing with Reflective Questions and Events. American Educational Research Association (AERA2018). New York, NY.
Xu, Z., Woodruff, E. (2018). The Change of Affective States in Complex Learning is a Function of Task Difficulty. International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, QC.
Yao, Y., Jiang, P., Ledlie, S., Qi, H., Chen, S., Roberts, K.P., Chen, L. (2018, March). Culture, self and memory – A cross-cultural comparison of the influence of perceived self-family connectedness on children’s memory. Poster accepted for presentation at the 2018 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Buono, S.C. & Woodruff, E. (2019) Measuring emotions in children: An analysis of emotions observed in real-time during a narrative task. Presentation given in symposium “Show…and tell? Using behavioral observation to study affective processes in educational settings”, at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
Buono, S.C., Waring, T. (2019) Social-cognitive understanding in narrative stories: An analysis of Montessori and public school students. Paper presented at the American Educational Association’s Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.
Buono, S.C. & Kocaqi, E. (2019) A latent profile analysis of 6-8-year olds’ perspective taking in narrative stories. Poster accepted for presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Biennial meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Moreno, M., & Woodruff, E. (2019, November). Exploring the Effects of Music Education on Experienced Emotions in Adolescents during a Learning Task. Poster presented at the OMEA/CMIEC OPUS100 – 2019 Conference Research Session, Toronto.
Moreno, M., & Woodruff, E. (2019, August). Integration of Emotional and Psychophysiological Tools to Examine a Listener’s Response to Musical Stimuli. Paper presented at the 2019 CogMIR Seminar, Brooklyn, NY.
Moreno, M., & Woodruff, E. (2019, August). The Effects of Real-Time Emotions and Music on Emotion Regulation During a Reading Comprehension Task. Paper presented at the 2019 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition, New York City.
Zhu, G., Moreno, M., Malfa-Valencia, A., & Scardamalia, M. (2019, April). Idea Improvement Patterns in Knowledge Building: Undergraduate and Graduate Levels. Paper presented at the American Educational Association’s Annual Meeting 2019, Toronto.
Moreno, M., & Woodruff, E. (2019, August). Examining the Effects of Tempo on Psychophysiological Response of Adolescents during a Learning Task. Poster presented at the 2019 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition, New York City.
Moreno, M., & Woodruff, E. (2019, August). The Effect of Tempo on Learning Performance and Real-Time Emotions of Adolescents in a Learning Task. Poster presented at the 2019 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition, New York City.
Xu, Z., & Woodruff, E. (Accepted). Is the Change of Affective States in Complex Learning a Function of Task Features? Paper accepted for presentation at the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, ON.
Munteanu, C., Sadownik, S., Xu, Z., & Sin, J. (submitted). “I’m More Ethical than My Colleagues”: HCI Researchers’ Practice and Attitudes toward Formal Ethics. Paper submitted to 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Florida, USA.
Schnabel, R. & Woodruff, E.(Accepted) Psychophysiological measures of Recovery Phase after Cognitively Challenging tasks and Mindfulness: A Preliminary Study. Paper accepted for presentation at the American Educational Association’s Annual meeting, Toronto, ON.
Moreno, M., & Ryan, C. (2020, September). Considering the Use of Multi-Modal and Multi-Channel Data to Understand the Effects of Musical Tempi on Performance and Musical Training. Paper presented at the Australian Music and Psychology Society 2020 Virtual Conference, Melbourne.
Buono, S.C., Zdravkovic, A. & Woodruff, E.(2020) Planning to overcome frustration: The effect of Self-Regulated-Learning (SRL) on negative emotions and story comprehension. Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting (Virtual), San Francisco, CA.
Zdravkovic, A., Buono, S.C., & Woodruff, E. (2020). Self-Reports Better Indicate Math Anxiety in Elementary School Students than Facial Expression Software. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting (Virtual), San Francisco, CA.
Zdravkovic, A., Goldstein, A. (2021, June) The Impacts of COVID-19 on Ontario Grade 12 Students’ Transitions. Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Annual Conference 2021.
Zdravkovic, A. & Woodruff, E. (July, 2021). Parent Perceptions of Children’s Math Ability Influence Children’s Math Scores and Math Anxiety. Oral Presentation at the International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2021 Annual Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic.
Jafarian, M., Erfanian, M., Woodruff, E. (2022, October). Investigating the Acoustic Properties of Misophonia Auditory Triggers. Presented at the 2022 Misophonia Convention Online (the 9th Annual Misophonia Convention).
Wong, A.S.K. & Woodruff, E. (2022, June). Maintaining Eye Contact in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Abstract was accepted and presented at the 2022 Development Conference in Alberta, Calgary.
Wong, A.S.K. (2022, April). Resilience of the parents with young children: Reflections in the context of the COVID-19. Abstract was accepted and presented at the 2022 Resilience Conference.
Wong, A.S.K., Moreno, M., & Woodruff, E. (2022, April). Exploring the Relationship between Expressions of Fear and Reading Comprehension Performance in Different Music Conditions. Paper was accepted and presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference.
Wong, A.S.K. (2022, March). Using descriptive qualitative approach to understand the stress and resilience of parents with young children in the context of COVID-19. Abstract was accepted and presented at the 2022 EQRC Conference.
Zdravkovic A., Buono, S., Do Rosario, S., Woodruff, E. (2022, April). A Systematic Review of the Most Effective Digital Math Learning Games for Elementary Students. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2022.
Xu, Z., Zdravkovic, A., Moreno, M., Woodruff, E. (2022, April). Identifying Optimal Problem-Solving Pathways in a Video Game: In Search of Learner-and-Environment-Related Determinants. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference 2022.