Book Chapters, Policy Papers & Community Engagement

Moothathamby, N. & Wong, A.S.K. (April, 2022). “Narratives of Raising Resilient Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. Elemental Magazine, University of Toronto.….

Wong, A.S.K. (March, 2022). “The Importance of Physical Activities for Children and Adolescents with Autism”. Elemental Magazine, University of Toronto.

Wong, A.S.K. (June, 2021). “Mental Health Implications of COVID-19 for Children with Special Needs and Their Families”. Elemental Magazine, University of Toronto.….

Zdravkovic, A., & Geva, E. (July, 2020). “How to Support Students with Attention Difficulties While Learning at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. Staples Canada, Teacher Education.

Zdravkovic, A., & Geva, E., (July, 2020). “How to Support Learning at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. Staples Canada, Teacher Education.

Zdravkovic, A., & Geva, E., (July, 2020). “Easing Worries about Returning to School: What Parents and Teachers Can Do”. Staples Canada, Teacher Education.

Zdravkovic, A., & Geva, E., (July, 2020). “How Parents Can Lower Worries about COVID-19”. Staples Canada, Teacher Education. July, 2020.

Buono, S.C. (2019) Implementing Universal School-Based Social & Emotional Learning  (SEL). Contribution to the AERA SEL SIG Spring 2019 Newsletter, American Educational Research Association (AERA).

Lancia, G. (2016). Investigating the top reasons and barriers for low female enrollment in pilot training. Seneca College: NSERC Aviation Enhancement Fund Research.

Lancia G., Woodruff, E., Jang, E., Jenkins, J., & Pascal, C. (2016). Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto (OISE): Departmental Review. University of Toronto: OISE.

Stille, S., Jang, E.. Vincett, M., Park, G., & Lancia, G. (2015). Disciplinary Literacy Project: First Report. Ontario, Ministry of Education.

Stille, S., Jang, E., Vincett, M., Park, G. & Lancia, G. (2015). From Struggling to Resilient Readers: Supporting Students to Engage with Persistent Literacy Challenges. First Report. Ontario: Ministry of Education.