
Private Higher Education

Buckner, Elizabeth and Ceara Khoramshahi. (2021).“Does the private sector expand access to higher education? A cross-national analysis, 1999-2017.” International Journal of Educational Development.

Buckner, E., & Gong, C. (2021). Private higher education and programmatic differentiation: Examining the institutional positioning of private universities in Ontario. Studies in Higher EducationDOI: 10.1080/03075079.2020.1870947

Buckner, E., & Zhang, Y. (2020). The quantity-quality tradeoff: A cross-national, longitudinal analysis of national student-faculty ratios in higher education. Higher Education, 1–22.

Buckner, E., & Zapp, M. (2020). Institutional Logics in the Global Higher Education Landscape: Differences in Organizational Characteristics by Sector and Founding Era. Minerva, 1–25.



Buckner, Elizabeth, Punita Lumb, Zahra Jafarova, Phoebe Kang, Adriana Marroquin Rodriquez and You Zhang. 2021. “Diversity without Race: How University Internationalization Strategies Discuss International Students.” Journal of International Students. 11(S1), 32-49.

Buckner, E. (2020). Embracing the global: The role of ranking, research mandate, and sector in the internationalisation of higher education. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education0(0), 1–18.

Buckner, E., & Stein, S. (2020). What Counts as Internationalization? Deconstructing the Internationalization Imperative. Journal of Studies in International Education24(2), 151–166.

Buckner, ElizabethScott Clerk, Adriana Marroquin Rodriguez, and You Zhang. 2020. “Strategic Benefits, Symbolic Commitments: How Canadian Colleges and Universities Frame Internationalization.” Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 50(4), 20-36.

Buckner, E. (2019). The Internationalization of Higher Education: National Interpretations of a Global Model. Comparative Education Review63(3), 315–336.