Jeanne Sinclair, PhD

Jeanne Sinclair recently received her PhD. Her primary research interests are:

  • language and literacy assessment validation to support effective, equitable pedagogies for linguistically and culturally diverse students with a range of learning differences
  • the validity of a new artificial-intelligence infused language and literacy assessment (Talk2Me, Jr.) to support appropriate interventions in elementary school
  • longitudinal mixed-methods research that supports timely educational interventions and policy reform

Jeanne has a master's degree in Bicultural-Bilingual Studies from the University of Texas at San Antonio. She was a full-time bilingual teacher in Texas public schools from 2009-2014, primarily working with young students whose families had immigrated from Mexico and Central America. While at OISE, she was a teacher education program assistant supporting Master's in Child Study and Education Program pre-service teachers in their practicum field placements. She was also an English for Specific Purposes instructor at Seneca College.



Sinclair, J., Jang, E. E., & Vincett, M. (2018). Investigating linguistically diverse adolescents’ literacy trajectories using latent transition modeling. Reading Research Quarterly, 54(1), 81–107.

Sinclair, J., Jang, E. E., Azevedo, R., Lau, C., Taub, M & Mudrick, N. (2018). Changes in emotion and their relationship with learning gains in the context of MetaTutor. In Nkambou R., Azevedo R., & Vassileva J. (Eds.), Lecture notes in computer science: Intelligent tutoring systems 2018 (pp. 202-211). Cham: Springer.

Sinclair, J. & Lau, C. (2018). Initial assessment for K-12 English language support in six countries: Revisiting the validity-reliability paradox. Language & Education, 32(3), 257-285.

Jang, E. E., & Sinclair, J. (2017). Ontario’s educational assessment policy and practice: A double-edged sword? Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 25(6), 655-677.

Lau, C., Sinclair, J., Taub, M., Azevedo, R., & Jang, E. E., (2017). Transitioning self-regulated profiles in hypermedia learning environment. In Wise, A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. New York: Association for Computing Machinery.

Sinclair, J. (2016). “Starving and suffocating”: Evaluation policies and practices during the first 10 years of the U.S. Bilingual Education Act. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(6), 710–728.

Sinclair, J. (2014). Literacy achievement in two-way immersion: A focus on majority language speakers. Journal of Bilingual Education Research & Instruction, 16(1), 17-45.


Jeanne's CV can be found here.

Here is a link to her profile webpage.