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New Book Alert!

Based on a six-year ethnographic research study taking place with teachers, artists, community leaders, and young people globally, and taking its lead from the following provocation —can performance become a site for new imaginaries for socio-ecological justice? —this book examines how artful engagement through drama pedagogies can open up more collective, critical, and hopeful forms of thinking and being.

This innovative and practical book offers pedagogical tools to show how drama can be used in educational settings to advance a relational, action-oriented, interdisciplinary, and creative climate education attuned to the social and emotional effects of the climate emergency.

The book is divided into two sections. The first part of the book, Local engagements and encounters, consists of chapters that conduct an in-depth appraisal of the local artistic work from each site, examining how matters of socio-ecological justice are given fresh urgency and complexity through the application of performance as pedagogy.

The second part of the book, Pedagogical and artistic innovations, offers substantive praxis chapters on the drama-based pedagogical methods employed in the research. In these chapters, the world-building capacities of theatre-making offer up new, performative pedagogical orientations to the climate emergency beyond those of critique.

This collection is valuable reading for scholars interested in the ontological and epistemological dimensions of the climate emergency, especially within and across the following fields: drama, theatre and performance studies, applied theatre and drama education, educational research, and children/childhood and youth studies. The book also invites a readership of teachers and teacher-educators who are interested in applying drama pedagogies in the classroom to explore matters of socio-ecological justice and the climate crisis.

Hope in a Collapsing World
Wins Distinguished Book Award!

Hope in a Collapsing World has been awarded the American Alliance of Theatre and Education Distinguished Book Award!

A space of ‘survivable failure’:

Read an interview with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher on her book

News Archives

Cover of Research in Drama Education The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance

New Article Alert!

Harnessing speculative fiction to reimagine and rewrite our relationships to the climate crisis and the future of our local environments.

In this article, Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, Ashleigh Allen, and Dr. Christine Balt examine how a virtual, speculative fiction writing and performance workshop nurtured a deeply situated yet expansive aesthetics in which youth can imagine more hopeful futures in their worlds.

New Media Alert!

Finding hope and deep learning in the drama classroom.

Dr. Kathleen Gallagher and Dr. Christine Balt interviewed by @InnovationCA for an article about the team’s ethnographic and creative research projects, past and current; finding hope and deep learning in the drama classroom.

The Art of Pedagogy: A Conversation Series for Faculty & Students Presents

Join Prof. Kathleen Gallagher (CDTPS/University of Toronto), Prof. James Thompson (University of Manchester) and their postdoctoral research teams for a panel that will explore how the arts can be used as critical practices for every thriving in cities navigating COVID, the climate emergency, and the vast inequities of our age.
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Congratulations to Dr. Kathleen Gallagher &
Dr. Christine Balt!

Congratulations to CDTPS Director and School of Cities affiliate, Professor Kathleen Gallagher, and her Postdoctoral student, Christine Balt, who have just won a Postdoctoral Fellowship Award for research and research dissemination from the School of Cities for the 2023/24 academic year.

Hope in a Collapsing World: A Conversation with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher & Andrew Kushnir

Dr. Kathleen Gallagher and Andrew Kushnir join Dr. Michael Anderson from the CREATE Centre at the University of Sydney to discuss the hybrid format of ethnographic study and playwriting as a means of mobilizing theatre to build ways of working with young people in the language of performance as they seek to communicate their worries, fears, and dreams to a global network of researchers and a wider public.

Arts-led, youth-driven methodology and social impact: “making what we need” in times of crisis

In this article, Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, with Christine Balt, Nancy Cardwell & Lindsay Valve, consider the social role of collaborative ethnographic research amid our current intersecting social, political and ecological crises. A “metho-pedagogical” framework is mobilized to consider how drama is put to work at a time of climate emergency and pandemic.

Census-taking and theater-making: Real and imagined perceptions and experiences of school and neighborhood safety for racialized and white youth

In this article, Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, with Dr. Dirk Rodricks & Lindsay Valve engage the discovery of a significant divergence between feelings of safety and belonging reported in a safety survey, and the discursive, contradictory, and complex narratives about safety revealed by students’ storytelling to open a line of inquiry about what the pursuit of being a ‘safe school’ is meant to do, and what it does.

The ecology of global, collaborative ethnography: metho-pedagogical architectures and interpretive frames in research with youth

In this article, Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, with graduate students Nancy Cardwell, Danielle Denichaud & Lindsay Valve explore the nature of ethnographic collaboration during the harrowing and unpredictable times of a global pandemic.

Building new publics: Using agile, community-engaged, and applied theatre methodologies as social intervention in audience research

In this article, Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, with PhD candidates Lindsay Valve and Christine Balt, illustrate how an ‘agile’ research methodology acts as both inquiry and social intervention, and provides theatre artists and practitioners with novel ways to become more intentional about building engaged, intergenerational audiences.

New Article Alert! Vulnerability, care and hope in audience research

In this article, Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, with PhD candidates Christine Balt and Lindsay Valve, consider the theatre as a vital site for the formation of an ‘intergenerational polis’ by looking to how the affective labour performed by the audience of Towards Youth: A play on radical hope, by Andrew Kushnir, created an ‘ethics of care’ between some younger and older audience members, gesturing to the importance of attuning to ‘dissensus’ in audience research.​

New Article by Dr. Kathleen Gallagher & Andrew Kushnir in Theatre Research in Canada

Read Dr. Gallagher's new article about the transformation of her 5-year, multi-sited ethnographic research into an original documentary play in collaboration with embedded playwright Andrew Kushnir.

Response to COVID-19 – losing and finding one another in drama: personal geographies, digital spaces and new intimacies

In this article, Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, with graduate students Christine Balt, Nancy Cardwell & Brooke Charlebois, engage with the sudden pivot to online learning and research, revealing a complex portrait of youth, connection, and the digital world at a time of physical distancing; and reflecting on what drama practices might be mobilised to invite intimacy into online learning.
Head shot of Dr. Urvashi Sahni facing the camera

Asia's Most Influential:
Dr. Urvashi Sahni

Congratulations to our collaborator. Dr.Urvashi Sahni, for being named one of Asia’s Most Influential people. Dr. Sahni is a women’s rights activist, CEO and founder of Study Hall Educational Foundation in India, which offers educational programs for vulnerable young people.
Head shot of Dr. Kathleen Gallagher in front of a stone wall facing the camera

Youth, Theatre, Radical Hope & the Ethical Imaginary

Listen to Dr. Kathleen Gallagher's interview with Faculti, an outlet that delivers the latest breakthroughs, research news and academic insight, communicated by the world’s leading figures in short, accessible digital media.
Screen shot of Dr. Kathleen Gallagher in conversation with Dr. Sandra Fisman

Creativity and the Relational Self

On Oct 2, 2020, the Departments of Psychiatry, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (DCAP), and Family Medicine at Western University invited Dr. Gallagher to speak on youth mental well-being and her work in the arts and theatre. Introduced by Dr. Sandra Fisman with a Q&A moderated by Dr. Joy Abramson.
Actors rehearsing Towards Youth

Finding What's Real in Research and Theatre

Dr. Gallagher explores bringing research to life through the verbatim play Towards Youth: A play on radical hope, in an interview with Dr. Yasmin Kandil and Dr. Barry Freeman.
Image of young girls who attend Prerna in Lucknow, India

Excellent news to share!

Our friend Shree Paradkar has won two prizes at the Amnesty International Media awards – for best long story and best short video for her story on Prerna. Delighted that this excellent journalism brings further recognition to Urvashi Sahni and the powerful pedagogy at Prerna Girls' School.

Global Youth Citizenry and Radical Hope

Global Youth Citizenry and Radical Hope: Enacting Community-Engaged Research through Performative Methodologies (2020) (Eds. Gallagher, K., D. J. Rodricks, & K. Jacobson)

This book is a collective reflection on our SSHRC-funded five year multi-sited international ethnographic study titled Youth, Theatre, Radical Hope and the Ethical Imaginary, from the perspectives of the research team members and international research collaborators.
Working with partners in Taiwan, India, Greece, England, and in Toronto, the study investigated how the drama classroom/workshop can cultivate relationships, dispositions, and values that orient young people towards, and support them in, engaged citizenship. It builds upon a previous SSHRC-funded study that discovered 'hope' and 'care’ as significant philosophical constructs in young people’s engagement with schools by investigating how these concepts relate to the development of young people's broader civic engagement, and how the collaborative nature of drama work can incite intercultural dialogue and civic engagement for youth in global contexts.
Our edited collection explores the affective and relational lives of young people in diverse urban spaces. By following the trajectories of diverse young people as they creatively work through multiple and unfolding global crises, it asks how arts-based methodologies might answer the question: How do we stand in relation to others, those nearby and those at greater distances?
Drawing on knowledges, research traditions, and artistic practices that span the Global North and South, Global Youth Citizenry curates a way of thinking about global research that departs from the comparative model and moves towards a new analytic model of thinking multiple research sites alongside one another as an approach to sustaining dialogue between local contexts and wider global concerns.
Read the book

Dr. Kathleen Gallagher inducted into the Royal Society of Canada! ​

Play Video

The Royal Society of Canada recognizes scholars who have made remarkable contributions in the arts, humanities and sciences.

Dr. Kathleen Gallagher speaking on stage at the Royal Society of Canada

Radical Hope, Care & a Global Youth Citizenry

Dr. Gallagher offered two 'teach out' events at King's College, London, sharing some scenes from Kushnir's Towards Youth: A Play on Radical Hope and discussing connections between her research and wider political contexts by focusing on issues of solidarity, care and hope.
Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, Dr. Rachel Turner-King and Professor Jonothon Neelands posing in front of a projector screen after a presentation

Radical Hope & Youth Citizenry Research Event

Dr. Gallagher discussed her international, multi-sited and collaborative research project (Youth, Theatre, Radical Hope and the Ethical Imaginary: an intercultural investigation of drama pedagogy, performance and civic engagement) with the lead researcher from the Coventry site, Dr. Rachel Turner-King. Chaired by Professor Jonothon Neelands.
Image of the awards ceremony at the Royal Society of Canada

"What if a Radical Hope lives in young people that could change the course of our global fate?"

Dr. Gallagher was one of ten new Fellows selected to share her research in a "Lightning Talk" at the RSC Café.
Dr. Kathleen Gallagher presenting her research at the Royal Society of Canada

Kathleen shares the stage with Cindy Blackstock and Cornelia Rémi at the Republic of Childhood Forum in Ottawa

Dr. Kathleen Gallagher joins the CBC's Alain Neal to explore creative ways of teaching young, critical thinkers.
Graduates from the University of Toronto standing together in front of Convocation Hall

Convocation for the School of Graduate Studies & Rotman (graduate programs)

Dr. Kathleen Gallagher was the convocation speaker at #UofTGrad19 for the School of Graduate Studies & Rotman (graduate programs)
Image of girls at Prerna

Empowering girls to become the unlikely heroes and resisters of their lives’ journeys

Read about how the Prerna Girl's School founder, and our collaborator, Dr. Urvashi Sahni is empowering girls to transform their lives through drama and critical dialogue.
Stratford festival advertisement

Dream It, Be It | Stratford Festival

Listen to expert panelists discuss the ways education systems support or suppress the unique brightness of each child. Dr. Gallagher joins the discussion on the challenges facing today's Billy Elliots. ​
Cast of Towards Youth celebrating with their arms raised during a rehearsal

Towards Youth is about more than theatre; it’s about seeing the world in a more hopeful way.

By transporting voices from interviews, Andrew Kushnir's Towards Youth allows us to engage with personhood, with humanity
Head shot of Gill Deacon for the CBC radio show Here and Now

Here and Now Toronto | Towards Youth: A Play on Radical Hope

Dr. Kathleen Gallagher and playwright Andrew Kushnir join host Gill Deacon to discuss the research and play.

Youth find hope for the future through documentary play​

Read about Dr. Gallagher's Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)-funded youth-centred #RadicalHope research and the role of drama in allowing us to better hear young people! ​
Towards Youth banner

Research brought to life through verbatim theatre​

Towards Youth is a verbatim theatre play based on the research of Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, written by Andrew Kushnir of Project Humanity. Towards Youth played at Crow's Theatre from February 25th-March 16th, 2019.
Image of youth in Greece showing solidarity by raising their fists

Documentary work is most affecting when its message is conveyed through people's interactions, not their proselytizing

Article on the power of playwriting in conveying the voices of youth from Dr. Gallagher's research (by JOSÉ TEODORO)
New article announcement

New Article by Dr. Kathleen Gallagher and Dr. Urvashi Sahni in Gender and Education​

Check out Dr. Gallagher's new article with Indian collaborator Dr. Sahni, Performing care: re-imagining gender, personhood and educational justice.​
CBC radio logo

CBC Radio: Conversation about gender in the arts ​

Dr. Kathleen Gallagher, playwright Jordi Mand and theatre professor Kim Solga, a drama professor from Western University join moderator Marion Adler to discuss how gender bias is still part of the arts, particularly theatre. ​
Teaching tomorrow podcast logo

Teaching Tomorrow Podcast​

A discussion with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher about the intersection of research, drama, young people, and radical hope. ​
Dr. Kathleen Gallagher on a podcast

Drama Research Podcast​

Listen to Dr. Peter Duffy’s recent podcast in conversation with Dr. Kathleen Gallagher. In the far-reaching conversation about doing research in drama and applied theatre, they consider questions of collaboration and ethics, among other things. ​

Notable Exchanges

This content was too good to let go!
Notable interviews from the last several years can be found here.

Black and white image of John Mighton

In Conversation with Dr. John Mighton

Dr. Gallagher interviews playwright, mathematician, author and JUMP Math founder, John Mighton before an audience at Hart House Theatre (Fall, 2013).
Image of Ann-Marie MacDonald

Sequencing and Narrative Wholeness through Theatre

Dr. Gallagher interviews playwright, novelist, actor, and journalist, Ann-Marie MacDonald (Spring 2013).

Dr. Gallagher's Induction into the Royal Society of Canada
