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Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace (AbTeC)

From the website: "AbTeC is a network of academics, artists and technologists whose...


The Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute provides an app exploring their exhibit...

Alaska Native Perspectives on Earth and Climate

From the website: "This collection looks at Alaska’s unique geology and the impact...

Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools

From the website: The following standards have been developed by Alaska Native educators...

All My Relations

King, Thomas. All My Relations. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1990.   "This...

An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English

Moses, Daniel David, Terry Goldie. An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in...


This website has a variety of resources that are geared to younger learners.


The Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory, located on beautiful Manitoulin Island, Ontario...

Anishinaabemowin/Ojibwe Language

The Ojibwe People's Dictionary From the website: The Ojibwe People's Dictionary...

Anishnawbe Health Toronto

Anishnawbe Health is a recognized community health centre, focusing on the needs...

Apache Language

Archeo Link Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers: Apache Language Resources....


April Raintree

Culleton, Beatrice. April Raintree. Winnipeg: Peguis Publishers, 1992

Art Films and Video

Canada’s Visual History National Film Board of Canada, 1997. (72 mins) “The images...

Art Galleries and Museums

Art Gallery of Ontario Museum of Inuit Art (MIA) From the MIA's website: "The Museum...

Art Programs

Aboriginal Visual Culture Program Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) postsecondary...

Artists and Artwork

Keesic Douglas From his website:  "Keesic Douglas is an Ojibway artist from the...

As Long as the Rivers Flow

by Larry Loyie , 2002. A short chapter book that explores one boy’s experience...

Askî and Friends

A picture book funded by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education based on the holistic...

Assembly of First Nations (Canada)


Showing results 41-60 out of 479