Dish Dances: Movement Education Workshop by Ange Loft - Deepening Knowledge

Dish Dances: Movement Education Workshop by Ange Loft

Ange Loft (Kanien'kehá:ka), the Indigenous artist-in-residence at OISE's Centre for Indigenous Educational Research and Talking Treaties lead artist, presents a project history and sample movement facilitation from the DISH DANCES movement education initiative.  She offers an overview of the project's goals, arts-based research process, and activation with a team of Indigenous choreographers, Centre For Indigenous Theatre students and Amplified Opera for an outcome to be featured in the upcoming 2022 Toronto Biennial of Art. A guided, low-stakes, individual movement activity complements the presentation, building familiarity with the symbols, embodied gestures and land-based knowledge held in the Dish With One Spoon agreement.