Academic Skills

Academic Skills Hub (ASH)

A virtual library designed to enhance your academic skills, in ASH you’ll find Resource Pages about academic writing and reading, academic English, communication skills, and learning strategies. Dive into areas like academic article reading, literature reviews, reflective writing, citations, paragraph construction, integrating research into your work, and much more.

Accidental Plagiarism – How to Avoid it (Video)

The OISE Student Success Centre (OSSC) and the OISE Library co-present this workshop with a panel of OISE Staff, Students and Librarians focusing on how to prevent plagiarism through various strategies and citation management tools.

APA Citation: Overview, Guidance and Resources (PDF)

Presentation slides by OISE Library that cover quick steps for APA citation, using a citation management tool, such as RefWorks, and important resources for reference and for continuing your practice and learning. (January 2021)

Centre for Learning Strategy Support (CLSS) Resource Library

PDF handouts on effective reading; SMART goals; online learning; online presentations; managing distracting thoughts; reaching out to instructors; mindfulness through the Medicine Wheel; Weekly schedule template; Seven Grandfathers in Academic Integrity and more.

Graduate Centre for Academic Communication

The Graduate Centre for Academic Communication (GCAC) provides all UofT/OISE graduate students with advanced training in academic writing and speaking. They offer many workshops, courses, events and 1-on-1 appointments. You may also access their collection of resources on academic writing and speaking.

Indigenous Education Network (IEN) - Writing Support

The IEN coordinates sessions with writing experts and coaches to help Indigenous, Black-Indigenous and Black students with their academic writing. This includes group writing workshops, individual coaching, and copyediting services. 

OISE Online Teaching and Learning – Student Resources

Created by OISE Staff and Faculty, this site offers video tutorials on Quercus and Pepper, tips for success in online learning, links for external resources and FAQs from students about online learning technologies, accessibility, and support.  

Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre Online Resources

This online resources hub offers several tips, PDF handouts, videos, and external links on academic writing, English Language Learner resources, study skills, math resources and academic integrity. 

So you're doing a PhD in Curriculum, Teaching & Learning at OISE? 

An online peer-generated resource created by members of the PhD Caring and Sharing Collective, a group of research stream students in Curriculum, Teaching & Learning (CTL) at OISE.  Subjects include: financing, coursework, comps, proposals, ethics, data collection and analysis, dissertation, defence, and finding a job post PhD.

UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning

Organized by the UTSC Centre for Teaching and Learning this site offers slide presentations, PDF handouts and several tips for navigating the academic writing process, different types of assignments, academic reading, English grammar, and using and citing resources.

Writing a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation in the Social Sciences

A guide, by professor emeritus Anne Jordan Ph.D., for doctoral students at various stages of their doctoral theses and dissertations: Designing their thesis proposals, developing their research question(s), beginning their data collection, or writing their findings.

Writing @ U of T Website: Advice on Academic Writing

The advice files on this site answer the kinds of questions that University of Toronto students ask about their written assignments. Most were created by writing instructors at U of T—people who are familiar with U of T expectations. 

International Students

Academic Writing Group (AWG)

Academic Writing Groups during Fall and Winter terms to help you connect with your peers and to make the academic writing process less stressful and more productive. Each group will meet ten times (virtually and in person). These writing groups are intended to provide academic writing support for OISE students for whom English is not their first language. 

Centre for International Experience (CIE)

The CIE offers a range of programs and services to support international students, as well as global learning opportunities for all students. Our team is here to help ensure you have a smooth transition and have the resources you need to succeed at UofT.

Grad Step Up

Grad Step Up is an extended orientation program designed to support your transition to U of T as an incoming international graduate student by connecting you to key information, resources, and communities on campus. 

International Student Support Dashboard (iSSD)

iSSD is a digital tool for OISE students and is intended for all students who wish to learn more about academic integrity practice at the University of Toronto. The Academic Integrity Module contains five case-based topics structured around typical scenarios that students face in their coursework. The module is self-access and contains video, knowledge quizzes, and self-reflective activities. Resources related to academic integrity practice are included for students who wish to learn more. Users are also encouraged to participate in OISE research on the effectiveness of the module by completing a short student survey and providing their consent. However, participation in the research project is not required to access the module. 

To access iSSD and assess your knowledge of academic integrity practice, please register to receive your login information.

International Students: Stories and Strategies for Academic Success in Postsecondary Education

The ebook will help students in the development of appropriate academic, learning, and study skills, and the ability to find and make use of relevant resources of support and community. The content of this document was created by staff at the University of Toronto with expertise in academic resourcefulness, learning strategy development, and the international student experience. It also includes audio and video content from other international students currently studying in Ontario who offer insights from their own experiences.

Student Experience Passport

This initiative offers a fun and friendly approach to exploring university life across six key categories: Wellbeing, Social, Explore, Academic, English, and Career. By participating in curated activities, you can accumulate stamps, progressing through levels from Day Tripper to Jet-Setter. Each level achieved presents an opportunity to win prizes!

Research & Technology

Black Research Network

The mission of the Black Research Network is to promote Black excellence at the University of Toronto and enhance the research capacity of Black scholars within the university and on the world stage. The BRN develops and supports platforms and collaborations that increase visibility for U of T Black scholars’ research accomplishments; sustain a cross-divisional, interdisciplinary, network of Black scholars; facilitate robust research engagements across the University of Toronto and internationally.

Education Commons

At Education Commons, students can find a range of tips, links, guides and tools for leveraging technology toward effective learning and online collaboration. Education Commons also offers support, tutorials and training for research-stream students in navigating the data analysis software REDCap.  

OISE Library - Education Studies Research Guide

This guide was prepared by the OISE Library for students conducting graduate research in education, covering both quantitative and qualitative research. It covers each phase of the research journey from starting a research project to gathering your data and delivering your findings. 

OISE Library – Research and Reference Services 

The OISE library has a wealth of research and reference supports, from research consultations, research guides, video tutorials on resource search strategies and databases, citation management, and the personal librarian program. Find more at the OISE Library YouTube channel and the UofT Libraries' Workshops page.

Research Centres

OISE’s research centres provide vibrant opportunities to connect and explore interests and synergies, welcoming students, faculty members and staff to engage in a variety of activities and events. Connect with other students and faculty doing similar work in your areas of research interest, including the Indigenous Educational Research Centre

Student Life

Accessibility Services

Our team assists in navigating disability-related barriers to your academic success at U of T for your on-going or temporary disability. We provide services and supports for learning, problem solving and inclusion.

Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office

The Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office (ARCDO) within the Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture, provides services to support University members in their efforts to foster environments that are intentionally racially diverse and inclusive through the advancement of equitable practices, education and training and the provision of complaints resolution supports on matters of race, faith and intersecting identities as guided by the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

Assignment Planner

The Assignment Planner is a tool that helps you schedule your course assignments day by day, while also offering helpful tips, resources and links for each aspect of your assignment. Calculate your schedule, select from “Type of Assignment” - including annotated bibliographies, literature review, reflective essay and others – and enjoy this excellent planning and support tool.

Career Exploration & Education

We support students and recent graduates as they build their future in our changing world. We help students explore what they can do with their degree, discover job opportunities and further education.

Centre for Learning Strategy Support - Student Life

Student Life at U of T can help graduate students navigate academic challenges through a series of workshops and resources. You can improve your academic skills using their PDF handouts, participate in a workshop, or join a graduate productivity or writing group. Workshops offered include time management; stress management; project management; write fright; stopping procrastination; work & play for grads; how identity impacts learning; how to navigate academics as a racialized student; how feeling like an imposter impacts learning; mindful reading; journaling for academic well-being, and more.

Centre for Graduate Mentorship & Supervision (CGMS)

Our mandate is to support successful mentorship and supervisory relationships. We have created a person-centred, solution-oriented approach to graduate mentorship and supervision support. You can call or email us – personally – for confidential support regarding your mentorship or supervisory relationship. No issue is too small. We’re here for you.

Centre for Graduate Professional Development (CGPD)

MyGPD is an initiative of the School of Graduate Studies Centre for Graduate Professional Development (CGPD) designed to help all graduate students prepare for their future by advancing the development of important transferable skills and competencies. MyGPD will help you communicate better, work effectively in teams and as leaders, strengthen your personal efficacy, gain teaching skills, develop research skills, learn how to share information with a wide variety of audiences, and more!

First Nations House Indigenous Student Services

We provide culturally relevant services to Indigenous students to support academic success, personal growth and leadership development. We offer learning opportunities for all students to engage with Indigenous communities at U of T and beyond.

Health & Wellness

We provide a range of health services for your physical and mental health, wellness programs and information to help support you in achieving your personal and academic goals.

Learning Well for Grads - Student Life

Learning Well for Grads is a four-week program for research-stream students focused on academic resilience, goal setting, motivation, time management and productivity.

University of Toronto Tri-Campus Workshops

Workshops being offered by several units at the three University of Toronto campuses. Workshops range from mindful reading and publishing skills to technology-related workshops such as 3D design or introduction to podcasting. Through this page you can also find pre-recorded and self-paced modules such as Introduction to R, Introduction to NVivo, Data Visualization, and more.