Shirin Abdmolaei
I received my Ph.D. at the University of Western Ontario in Education Studies, with a focus on Critical Policy and Equity Studies. My research and teaching interests broadly span equity and social justice education and are largely informed through intersectional, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive frameworks and methodologies. My research and teaching is particularly concerned with race, gender, and socioeconomic issues across K-12 education, higher education, and education policies. More specifically, my research has focused on understanding how standardized testing has contributed to maintaining racial and class inequities in education; critically analyzing and examining equity policies in the context of Ontario schools; and understanding gender inequities in higher education.
PhD, Education StudiesUniversity of Western Ontario
Scholarly & Creative Works
A critical policy analysis of Ontario’s equity and inclusive education strategy: The dynamics of nonperformativity.2021, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership StudiesRezai-Rashti, G.M., Zheng, B., Abdmolaei, S., & Segeren, A
“Porter son identité á l’ére de la mondialisation: Politiques du voile et de la mode en contextes musulman et occidental” [Wearing identity in the time of globalism: The politics of the veil and fashion in Muslim and Western contexts].2018, Anthropologie et Sociétés,Abdmolaei, S., & Hoodfar, H.
“(Re)Fashioning resistance: Women, dress and sexuality in Iran.”2014, Anthropology of the Middle EastAbdmolaei, S.
Chic resistance: Women, fashion, and politics in Iran.2019,Abdmolaei, S.
Women, Islam, and education in Iran.2019,Rezai-Rashti, G.M., Mehran, G., & Abdmolaei, S. (Eds.).
Women in Canadian higher education: The paradox of gender parity and equity. In2021, International perspectives on gender and higher education: Student access and success (C. Fontanin, S. Paivandi, & K. Joshi Eds.)Abdmolaei, S., & Rezai-Rashti, G.M.
Global testing regimes: Accountability, standardization, racial inequality and the rise of audit culture.2023, International encyclopedia of education R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Ercikan, & G. Smith Eds.)Rezai-Rashti, G.M., & Abdmolaei, S.
Research Interests
Equity, standardized testing, critical policy analysis, sociology of education