
Çalıkoğlu, A., Jones. G. A., & Kim, Y. (Eds.) (2023). Internationalization and the Academic Profession: Comparative Perspectives. Springer.

Hayhoe, R., Li, J., & Pan, J. (2022). Authentic Chinese Educational Thought. Brill.

Eastman, J., Jones. G. A., Trottier, C. and Bégin-Caouette, O. (2022). University Governance in Canada: Navigating Complexity. McGill-Queen's University Press.

Knight, E., Bathmaker, A. M., Moodie, G., Webb, S., & Wheelahan, L. (Eds.) (2022). Equity and Access to High Skills through Higher Vocational Education. Palgrave Macmillan.

Buckner, E. (2021). Degrees of Dignity: Arab Higher Education in the Global Era. University of Toronto Press.

Aarrevaara, T., Finkelstein, M. J., Jones, G. A., Jung, J. (Eds.) (2021). Universities in the Knowledge Society: The Nexus of National Systems of Innovation and Higher Education. Springer.

Tamtik, M., Trilokekar, R. D., & Jones, G.A. (Eds.) (2020). International Education as Public Policy in Canada. McGill-Queen's University Press.

Finkelstein, M. J., & Jones, G. A. (2019). Professorial Pathways: Academic Careers in a Global Perspective. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Sivasubramaniam, M., & Hayhoe, R. (2018). Religion and Education: Comparative and International Perspectives. Symposium Books.

Shin, J. C., Kehm, B. M., & Jones, G. A. (Eds.) (2018). Doctoral Education for the Knowledge Society: Convergence or Divergence in National Approaches? Springer.

Bickmore, K., Hayhoe, R., Manion, C., Mundy, K. E., & Read, R. (Eds.). (2017). Comparative and International Education: Issues for Teachers (2nd ed.). Canadian Scholars’ Press.


Hayhoe, R., Pan, J., & Zha, Q. (Eds.). (2016). Canadian Universities in China's Transformation. McGill-Queen's University Press.


Sá, C., & Kretz, A. (2015). The Entrepreneurship Movement and the University. Palgrave MacMillan.


Shotton, H. S., Lowe, S. C., & Waterman, S. J. (Eds.) (2013). Beyond the asterisk: Understanding Native American college students. Stylus.


Pinheiro, R., Benneworth, P., & Jones, G. A. (Eds.). (2012). Universities and Regional Development: A Critical Assessment of Tensions and Contradictions. Routledge.


Hayhoe, R., Li, J., Lin, J., & Zha, Q. (2012). Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities: In the Move to Mass Higher Education. Springer Science & Business Media.


Geiger, R. & Sá, C. (2009). Tapping the Riches of Science: Universities and the Promise of Economic Growth. Harvard University Press.


Trilokekar, R. D., Jones, G. A., & Shubert, A. (Eds.) (2009). Canada’s Universities Go Global. James Lorimer and Company (A CAUT Series Title).


Hayhoe, R., Madden, M., & Madjidi, K. (2008). Comparative and International Education: Issues for Teachers. Canadian Scholars’ Press.


Moodie, G. (2008). From vocational to higher education: an international perspective. Open University Press.


Hayhoe, R. (2006). Portraits of Influential Chinese Educators. Comparative Education Research Centre.


Tripp, P., & Muzzin, L. (2005). Teaching As Activism. Equity Meets Environmentalism. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Jones G. A., McCarney, Patricia L. and Skolnik, M. L. (Eds.). (2005). Creating Knowledge, Strengthening Nations: The Changing Role of Higher Education. University of Toronto Press.

Amaral, A., Jones, G. A., and Karseth, B. (Eds.) (2002).  Governing Higher Education: National Perspectives on Institutional Governance. Kluwer.


Hayhoe, R., & Pan, J. (2001). Knowledge Across Cultures: A Contribution to the Dialogue of Civilizations. Comparative Education Research Centre, University of Hong Kong.


Peterson, G., Hayhoe, R., & Lu, Y. (2001). Education, Culture and Identity in 20th Century China. University of Michigan Press.