2023 Community College Leadership Symposium

History of Ontario Colleges

In the 1960s, then Minister of Education (and later Premier of Ontario), Hon. William G. Davis established Ontario’s system of colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs), which have become strong and enduring anchors of their local communities and regions. Ontario’s CAATs support social inclusion and contribute to local and regional economic, social, and cultural development.

William G. Davis Chair

The William G. Davis Chair in Community College Leadership (CCL) was established at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, to commemorate this important contribution to the province, and to help build capacity in Ontario’s college sector. The first Davis Chair, Professor Michael Skolnik established the first CCL cohort in 1999.

CCL Cohorts

The program aims to provide the knowledge and research skills professionals need to become higher education experts in colleges, universities, government agencies, professional associations, and international organizations. Many of Ontario’s college leaders are or have been graduates of the CCL. Now, some six cohorts and 24 years later, we wish to commemorate the work of graduates from this program.

CCL Graduates

Keynote Speaker: Shannon Fuller, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Colleges and Universities, Ontario

Presidents’ Keynote Panel: Colleges’ role in building the Ontario of tomorrow

Vice-Presidents’ Keynote Panel: Lessons learnt from Covid-19 in supporting tomorrow’s college students

Parallel sessions: Showcasing the research of CCL graduates and current doctoral candidates

Bill Boyes

Sounding the Alarm: An Exploration of Professionalization within the Ontario Fire Service

Laura Capacchione

Dental Hygiene Curriculum and Core Competency Development: A Case Study of One Ontario College Program

Keegan Smith

Exploratory descriptive study of New Recruit Police Officer Training for Dealing with High Risk, Low Frequency Events

Oleg Legusov

Using Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice to Investigate the Experiences of Ontario College Graduates from Three Former Soviet Republics

Athena D'Amato

Underdeveloped Skills and the Rise of the Skills Gap: Perceptions of Public Relations Undergraduate Students vs Employer Expectations

Renée Ferguson

Supporting Learners from Care: Lessons from the Post-Secondary Pathway

Joanne Spicer

Implementing the Canadian National Standard for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post Secondary Students in a Sample of Ontario Colleges

Jennifer Sparks

Parent involvement in the lives of college students in Ontario

Arif Toor

Business as Unusual: Role of Ontario’s Graduate Certificate Programs in our Transition System

Mary Overholt

Developing and Supporting the Dual Professionalism of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) Faculty Members

Derek Stockley

Decanal Leadership in Ontario Colleges

Tim Fricker

Barriers to Student Success: Early Engagement and Good Data

Laurie Rancourt

Who Decides and Why It Matters: Institutions, Differentiation and Northern Rural Higher Education

Laurel Schollen

A One-Way Street to Privatization? How Ontario Colleges Are Transforming the Sector

Krista Holmes

Impact Beyond the Classroom: Colleges as Enablers of Industry and Community Innovation

Philip Semple

Research Into Implicit Bias in Police Recruits and Their Instructors at the RCMP - When Things Do Not Go According to Plan

Tim Brunet

Pedagogical Persuasions and the Capability Approach

Bahar Mousavi Hejazi

Implementation of Outcomes-Based Education in an Interdisciplinary Design Course and Curriculum: An Action Research Study

The Community College Leadership Symposium is being organised by Professor Leesa Wheelahan,
the current William G. Davis Chair, and team of graduate assistants who are working within the
Centre for the Study of Canadian and International Higher Education (CIHE), led by Professor Glen Jones.

Please join us in celebrating the work and achievements of graduates and current students
from the Community College Leadership doctoral cohort.