Dr. Silvia Annen - Academization, Hybrid Qualifications and Skills Shortage - Competition and Complimentarity Between Vocational and Higher Education in Germany
The relevance of college education in a German context is deeply related to the question of the relationship between vocational and academic education. This is an established topic of educational research in Germany, but also in many other national systems. Particular focal points are often the possibilities or limitations of the transition from vocational to higher education. Transitions from one educational sector to another are only one facet of the relationship between vocational and academic education. Another aspect that is widespread in the discourse concerns the question of whether the sectors are in a more competitive or primarily complementary relationship. This talk provides empirical data regarding the degrees and certificates acquired in vocational and academic German education programmes. Questions of the usability of the degrees awarded in the two sectors on the labour market are considered, as is the development of hybrid education programmes that enable the interlinking of vocational and higher education learning processes. Overall, the talk analyses the developments that are contributing to the academisation of vocational education and training and the vocationalisation of higher education. Furthermore, the special circumstances of the education and employment system in Germany will be reflected in the context of complementarity and/or competition between the different education sectors.
About the speaker

Dr. Silvia Annen
Silvia Annen studied business education and holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Social Sciences from the University of Cologne. From 2007 until 2019, she worked as a senior researcher at the Federal Institute for VET (BIBB). From 2017 until 2019, she conducted a DFG-sponsored comparative project on the integration of foreign-trained workers in the labor market as visiting scholar at the University of Toronto (OISE). Her main research fields are comparative research in VET, (international) recognition of qualifications, educational pathways and occupational research in the commerce sector. Since 2020, she is a full professor for business education at the University of Bamberg.