CIDE Program Requirements​

Comparative, International and Development Education: Masters Level 

Specialization Requirements

  • Individual student programs of study must meet the requirements of both the home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization. Normally, a careful selection of cross-listed courses will satisfy this requirement without any additional course load.

  • Course requirements are as follows:

    • 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE) required introduction: CIE 1001H Introduction to Comparative, International and Development Education. CIE 1001H must be taken in Year 1 of the full-time student’s academic course load, or within the first four courses of the part-time and flexible-time student’s academic work.

    • 0.5 core FCE CIDE core graduate course.

    • 1.0 FCE (equivalent to two half courses) other CIDE core or elective graduate courses.

    • CIDE affiliated elective courses must be taken with CIDE-affiliated Faculty members
  • Regular participation in and attendance at the CIDE Seminar Series. Participation at a minimum of five seminars is required (online or in-person).

  • Students who write a thesis or major research paper as part of their program are also required to make at least one presentation to the CIDE community related to their research/development work either at The Joseph P. Farrell Student Research Symposium (JPFSRS) or at a CIDE seminar. Please email to arrange for a CIDE Seminar presentation at least six months before your intended graduation. 

  • In master’s programs requiring a major research paper or a thesis, the topic must relate to and demonstrate a masters-level understanding of the research/ theory base of CIDE. Participating CIDE faculty and the home graduate unit must be represented on the thesis committee.

Comparative, International and Development Education: Doctoral Level

Specialization Requirements

  • Individual student programs of study must meet the requirements of both the home graduate unit and the collaborative specialization. Normally, a careful selection of cross-listed courses will satisfy this requirement without any additional course load.

  • Course requirements are as follows:

    • 0.5 full-course equivalent (FCE) required introduction: CIE 1001H Introduction to Comparative, International and Development Education, if not already taken, or equivalent if transferring from another university. CIE 1001H must be taken in Year 1 of the full-time student’s academic course load, or within the first four courses of the part-time and flexible-time student’s academic work. Students who have completed CIE 1001H at the master’s level must select (in lieu, in addition to the requirements below) a 0.5 FCE course from the list of core courses, with approval from the CIDE Specialization Director at the time of course selection.

    • 0.5 FCE core CIDE graduate core (preferably doctoral-level) course.

    • 1.0 FCE (equivalent to two half courses) additional CIDE core or elective graduate (preferably doctoral-level) courses.

    • CIDE affiliated elective courses must be taken with CIDE-affiliated Faculty members
  • Regular participation in and contribution to the CIDE Seminar Series (including the Joseph P Farrell Student Research Symposium). Participation at a minimum of five seminars is required (online or in-person).

  • Students who write a thesis or major research paper as part of their program are also required to make at least one presentation to the CIDE community related to their research/development work either at The Joseph P. Farrell Student Research Symposium or at a regular CIDE seminar. Please email to arrange for a CIDE Seminar presentation at least six months before your intended graduation.

  • Completion of a thesis that contributes to the research/theory base of CIDE. Participating CIDE faculty and the home graduate unit must be represented on the thesis committee.