Meaghan Sullivan

September 1, 2020
Meaghan Sullivan
Program: Master of Arts in Child Studies and Education 
Expected year of graduation: 2021

What led you to apply to APHD at OISE?
I have always been in awe of the prestige and faculty of OISE. I wanted to learn from the best in the country and the philosophy of the MA-CSE program aligned with many of my teaching values. I liked the idea of smaller class sizes and a focused learning on child development. I have truly fallen in love with this program, and would recommend it to all aspiring teachers!

What was your past work experience like?
My past work experience has involved working as a registered early childhood educator in various educational settings that include child care, full-day kindergarten and private clinics. These experiences have shaped my current teaching practice, and has provided me with a solid foundation for understanding the learning trajectories of young children 0-6 years.

Are there any past accomplishments that you would like to highlight?
My biggest accomplishment is getting myself through my undergraduate (and currently) graduate degree while being a caregiver to my mom who continues to battle cancer. It has taught me deep lessons about the power of resiliency, gratitude and empathy and I truly see this as a testament to my ability to get through anything. This event has shaped me into the person I am today and has helped me develop my current teacher identity. 

What is the one thing you like about your experience so far at OISE?
I love being surrounded by like-minded people. OISE has such a vibrant vibe in it’s passion for teaching. From the faculty to the students, the learning environment inspires you to become a better person and leader in the world of education. 

What is your favourite thing about Toronto?
I grew up in a small town just an hour north of the city, so it took me some time to adjust with the pace of city life, but I absolutely love living in this city! My favourite thing about Toronto is the diversity of people and neighbourhoods. I also love the music scene and the contrast of concrete jungle with city parks.

What does your “weekend” typically look like?
My typical weekend currently includes working and doing school work - the typical life of a graduate student! However, when I do have time off I enjoy spending it with family and friends, going for coffee, food and/or bike riding around the city. 

What are some of your hobbies & interests (cooking, sports, travelling, etc?)
I absolutely love music! I have been playing drums for several years and have had the opportunity to record a full rock album many moons ago. I am also  part of an adult cover band. We play a range of tunes that cover genres like motown, blues, jazz, and rock. In addition to my love for music, I also enjoy gardening and listening to podcasts on psychology and human behaviour. 

What is your favorite type of cuisine?
I am a HUGE foodie. I love all types of cuisine and like to try new and interesting foods, however I would say my main “go-to’s” are sushi and tacos. 

Where do you see yourself after you achieve your degree from APHD?
I have been dreaming about becoming an elementary school teacher for as long as I can remember!  My goal is to teach after I achieve my degree from APHD.

APHD Student
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