Kunio Hessel

December 1, 2021
Kunio Hessel
Program: Master of Arts in School and Clinical Child Psychology (SCCP)
Expected year of graduation: 2022

What led you to apply to APHD at OISE?
I wanted a program that would let me pursue my research and clinical interests, and SCCP seemed like the perfect program to me. Here, I’m able to receive top-quality clinical training while also exploring avenues of research that interest me.

What was your past work experience like?
Prior to coming to OISE, I completed a MSc in social and developmental psychology from the University of Western Ontario. There, I studied bullying relationships in late childhood and early adolescence. After graduating, I moved back to Ottawa and volunteered in a high school program for refugee youth. My time working with refugees is what inspired me to pursue my current research examining the refugee experience in the Ontario school system.

What is one thing you like most about your experience so far at OISE?
My SCCP cohort, for sure. We are such a tight-knit group, and they are the only thing that’s gotten me through multiple years of remote grad school. I love you all!

What is your favourite thing about Toronto?
My proximity to everything. I live very close to downtown, and even with the COVID shutdowns, it’s been great to be within walking distance to friends, museums, restaurants, parks, and recreational activities.

What does your “weekend” typically look like?
It really varies! I always try to set aside at least 1 day where I don’t work, because I really like that reset. A typical weekend might consist of some combination of: procrastinating, bouldering, cooking, watching a hockey game, playing a board game with friends, and watching some Netflix with my girlfriend!

What are some of your hobbies & interests?
I love cooking, when I have the time and energy. I also love sports, especially hockey and soccer. Board games are always a good time, especially with good company, and the occasional video game as well. But I think my #1 hobby is bouldering (shout-out to Rock On Climbing!); it’s the most fun way to get in a great workout with friends!

What is your favorite type of cuisine?
Sushi is my all-time favourite food (I’m half-Japanese, what else could I say!), but Mexican is a close second for me.

Where do you see yourself after you achieve your degree from APHD?
After my MA it’s straight onto the PhD, but after that I’ll have a number of options. I think at this point I am leaning towards clinical practice in a school, hospital, or private setting. I’d also love to teach a bit one day! But this is all very far down the road (5+ years, yikes…) so I don’t have any set path yet!

APHD Student
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