Explore Upcoming OISE Events


people in a circle stretching in grassy park surrounded by trees
Develop your Yoga-based mindfulness practice.
The 12th annual Decolonizing Conference will explore fascism, politics, logics of dehumanization, and anti-colonial praxis in fugitive spaces.
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
A happy graduate student
Congratulations to OISE's class of 2023! They will cross the stage at Convocation Hall this November 8. Graduates, review your graduation checklist.
hands holding open a book and taking notes with spectacles on the side
Student peers are hosting online drop-in sessions every Tuesday.
A video conference with co-authors of book on screen
Celebrate the book release of 'Centering Multilingual Learners and Countering Raciolinguistic Ideologies in Teacher Education' with members of the author team.
OISE, University of Toronto